Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hello Moon

Tonight's moon 6-1-12, waxing gibbous, 93% full, taken about 9:45 pm from my backyard. Taken with Canon EOS Rebel T3. Aperture F/11, Shutter speed 1/400 sec, ISO 800,  Lens EF75-300mm f/4-5.6, focal length 300mm. I used a tripod.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Busy Bees

The pictures below were taken with my Canon EOS Rebel T3. I am learning how to use my new camera and experimenting with the settings. These were taken about 5pm and the light was not great and there was a breeze.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Over the Moon for My New Camera...or...Fly me to the Moon...

 Super Moon (largest moon of the year because it is a full or new moon and the moon is the closest it will be to the Earth this year) taken from my backyard on 5-5-12 just before midnight with my Canon EOS Rebel T3. Camera settings were F5.6, ISO 400, 1/4000 sec, taken with a Canon 75-300mm telephoto zoom lens. I love that I can see the craters! I may never fly to the moon, but my new camera took me closer than I have ever been before.

Super Moon taken after the first picture above with different camera settings F7.1, ISO 800, 1/4000 sec.
Another shot taken with different settings F5.6, ISO 800. I think the first picture is the most detailed. They are all just slightly different. I also shot these at 1/4000 sec.

This last picture is the first good shot I got of the moon. 

I am truly over the moon for my new camera.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Beach Bum-ble Bees

During Spring Break in the first week of April I went to Laguna Beach for the day and took these pictures with my point and shoot Olympus FE-370 camera. I shot these with the camera set on program mode and in super macro. I love taking pics of bugs!! Taking them at the beach on a beautiful day is even better!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Dog's Life: Ruffles in the Grass or Dog Day Afternoon

 This is my dog Ruffles enjoying a few moments of her day. I don't want to think about cutting the grass...so I play with my camera instead and capture these over the course of a moment or two...
Warm grass and the last of the sunshine....
A fly landed on her nose.....

A few moments in Ruffles life. Warm grass on a summer day, laying in the shade. enjoying the last of the day's sunshine; a fly on the nose, and then, a short snooze.
This is the dog's life...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Itsy Bitsy Spider

This little spider climbed in our baby orange tree and began to spin a web. I decided to take some pics and this itsy bitsy spider kept me busy chasing it around the tree. It is about as big as the tip of my pinky finger. Below are a few of the pictures I captured of this elusive little spider. 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dandelions at Dusk: Bug's Eye View 1

Dandelions at Dusk
I have always thought dandelions were beautiful although they are usually considered weeds. I love the way the light shines through them like a halo of light. When I was a little girl I used to believe they were fairies. If you plucked them you would set the fairies free and therefore they would grant you a wish. So I would pluck a dandelion, make a wish, and blow the fairies free to let my hopes and dreams come true. I still love to do this when I find them. Garden's are full of magic and light and I like to try to enjoy that magical time of day when we can relax with nature and believe in fairies.  So I try to spend as much time as possible outside with my camera during "magic hour".
These pictures were taken at dusk in July in my backyard. I wanted to take some pictures with the subject back lit. I did not know the spider was on the dandelion when I first started taking the pictures. The spider was a nice surprise. I always enjoy a spider visit in the garden. 
That time of day when the light is just right...you know it...magic hour...is so fleeting, that before I even knew it, the sun was down, and all I could do, was enjoy the dusk and the dandelions. Just like magic hour, they are ethereal and fleeting, gone on the evening breeze.